
As a leading provider of innovative technologies for the treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) and related conditions, electrophysiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons around the globe count on AtriCure to deliver best-in-class solutions that can treat even the most complex cases.

Autotissue is a biotechnology company focused on developing and producing biological implants. These implants minimize the need for long-term medication, which reduces potential negative side effects. This significantly improves the quality of life, especially for younger patients.
Berlin Heart

Berlin Heart GmbH develops, produces innovative systems for mechanical circulatory support. With the products EXCOR® Adult and EXCOR® Pediatric, the entire scope of medical indications is covered. Berlin Heart is the only company in the world offering systems that can support patients of every age and size, from newborns all the way to adults.

Medical and Surgical Headlights Engineered for Your Operating Room or Practice.
BFW is the technological leader in medical and surgical headlight illumination and headlight video imaging equipment

Cardia Innovation
Cardia Innovation AB develops new methods and products based on a unique gas diffuser technology, that enables a laminar flow of CO2 to very effectively fill and cover an open surgical wound.
Spectrum Medical

The flexible range of Quantum Perfusion Modules is a unique combination of world leading Perfusion Technologies and Integrated Patient Safety Systems designed to support a wide range of clinical therapies that use Extracorporeal Circulation for patient life-support within the Operating Room and the Intensive Care Unit.